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Endocrine Quiz

Answer Key

  • D: Neurohypophysis secretes ADH and Oxytocin
    F: Adenohypophysis secretes FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, GH, and Prolactin
  • B:Basophilic Chromophils Distinguished by dark stain contain Gonadotrophs (FSH&LH), Corticotroph (ATCH), Thyrotroph (TSH)
    A: Adicophilic Chromophils, Contains Somatotrophs (GH), Mammotroph (prolactin)
  • Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH), Oxytocin
  • Thyroid Gland
    Follicular cells: T3 & T4
    Parafollicular cells: calcitonin
    pg 59
  • B: Oxyphil cells
    A: Principal or cheif cells
  • G-cells secrete gastrin
  • A: Zona glomerulosa
    B: Zona fasciculate
    C: Zona reticularis
    D: Medulla
  • Serotonin
  • Infundibulum